27 Dec Lawn Care Timeline: What should you do when?
Most of us only think about our lawns during warmer weather, but there’s plenty to be done in each month of the year. How can you start now making plans for your spring and summer lawn?
This is a great time to decide what type of yard improvements you’re doing this spring. Browse magazines or consult with a lawn care professional to discover what’s best for your home. This is also a good time to start a container garden and get seedlings ready for your garden.
Even though it can still be cold outside, it’s still important to get your property ready for spring. Remove all leaves, tree limbs, and debris from your lawn. If you do your own mowing, take your mower in for a tune up. Get the blades sharpened, and get the motor ready to go for the growing season.
It’s “go time”! May is the best time to plant your spring and summer flowers and dive into your landscaping projects. Make sure you’re using plants that are suitable for the East Central Indiana climate and soil.
June may be the most beautiful month in Indiana. Is your property measuring up? This is a good time to evaluate how your plants are growing. Also, be sure you are planning a backyard party to enjoy your outdoor living space.
As temperatures continue to rise, it’s important to remember to properly water your plants and grass. If it isn’t raining, it’s time to turn on the sprinklers to give your lawn the 1-2 inches of water it needs each week. The best times to water are usually in the early morning, when the sun is not blazing. Usually 30 minutes of running your sprinklers 2 or 3 times a week will get the job done. If you don’t want to worry about watering, talk to Pro Green about an automatic irrigation system.
If you’ve planned and watered properly, you can still be enjoying a lovely green lawn and thriving landscaping in September. This is also a good time to get trees and shrubbery on sale. You may also want to plant some bulbs to enjoy in the spring.
While you may not be outside enjoying your lawn as much as you were earlier in the year, this is one of the most important months for your lawn. First, take care of all new seeding. Fall is the best time to add fresh seed to your lawn. Second, if you decide to do your own seeding, be sure to let us know. You’ll also want to make sure to schedule two fall applications to fertilize this new seed and get it ready for the winter. Third, prune your bushes and plants after the first freeze. Again, contact Pro Green if you’d like us to handle your fall lawn care needs.
If you didn’t get in your last mow during October, take care of this during November. Long grass and wintertime aren’t a good mix. As winter approaches, get a pH soil test to make sure your lawn has what it needs to stay healthy. Pro Green can perform a soil analysis for you and get you ready for the following spring.
If you are ready to have a Pro Green lawn, click here to fill out our contact form!